7/24 Service
+90 530 497 95 31 – +90 530 827 9178

Sub Charter – ACMI

Sub Charter - ACMI

ACMI provider. Under an ACMI — or wet lease — contract, customers receive a dedicated aircraft that is crewed, maintained and insured by Ak Charter in exchange for agreed-upon rates and levels of operation, enabling customers to take advantage of our scale and efficiencies to expand their presence in the world’s aviation markets. We source you a dedicated aircraft – carrying your passengers or cargo on your schedules to your destinations – you can effectively grow your capacity and capitalize on the air transportation market – without taking on exposure to fluctuations in the value of owned aircraft or a long-term commitment related to crews and maintenance. At the same time, you’re able to focus on your core competencies and generate value for your customers. Under individually tailored ACMI leases, customers assume marketing and direct operating expenses, including fuel, cargo and landing fees.